
Hopefully this is and will be the worst injury that should happen in the SMR crew. Matt broke his neck off a triple that hadn't even been done by the pro's...he told everyone that he was going to win that night. He would of, but he came up a little short durring practice.

Bossard...again, this is Matt after he got his neck hallow off...Looking pretty good!

Matt was in a wheel chair for a whole month cause of a little Tibia break, along with some small tears in the ACL, and MCL.

ohhh, nice legs!
Look at that leg! This is from a nice little footpeg less than a inch from Cory's guys, I donno, this is about as close as it gets.

-We all have had some pretty knarly injury's (or not so knarly ones to), so expect to see some pretty cool scar pics, and maybe even a couple x-rays.

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