This is the result of a little run in with the last whoop at Spokane durring the Devol P.R.O. serise. I belive it was 9 stiches. Konrad Kuest said that he looked like "Hitler" Matt Bossard insisted that looked like "Cory with stiches"

Hopefully this is and will be the worst injury that should happen in the SMR crew. Matt broke his neck off a triple that hadn't even been done by the pro's...he told everyone that he was going to win that night. He would of, but he came up a little short durring practice.

Bossard...again, this is Matt after he got his neck hallow off...Looking pretty good!

Matt was in a wheel chair for a whole month cause of a little Tibia break, along with some small tears in the ACL, and MCL.

Look at that leg! This is from a nice little footpeg less than a inch from Cory's guys, I donno, this is about as close as it gets.
-We all have had some pretty knarly injury's (or not so knarly ones to), so expect to see some pretty cool scar pics, and maybe even a couple x-rays.